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Gästebucheinträge im Jahr 2013

Ute von Vinxel. 2013-12-20 15:39:17
Hallo Claudia,
Da muss der Bodo erstmal mit der LZ kommen, damit ich das hier alles mal
erfahre ;-)
Sieht alles Super schön aus....
Schöne Weihnachten und guten Rutsch....
Bis nächstes Jahr
LG Ute

kath von UK. 2013-12-01 13:36:44
Thankyou for Sammy the sea gull I have enjoyed the whole series of blocks.
I see you have your beautiful winterland quilt pattern available. Silly
question, but are your patterns written in Englsh and can I pay in UK
pounds? thanks, Kath

Joey Cordier von South Africa. 2013-11-04 20:56:24
Love your lighthouse bom. Please add me to your mailing list. Would like
to know when the next block is available.
Happy Quilting!

Denise Edwards von Sydney Australia. 2013-11-01 12:51:09
I started foundation piecing with your help, thanks. Love doing the blocks.
Will post some pics one day. Thanks again for your time and creativity .

Maria Ivone von Sp. 2013-11-01 12:29:29
Gostaria de conhecer melhor o seu trabalho

Marilyn Provino von North Carolina, USA. 2013-10-04 18:45:12
I love your paper piecing patterns. I have already made the sea life fish

Cathy von Dayton Ohio USA. 2013-09-01 20:25:05
Thank you, Claudia. You create lovely patterns and I'm grateful for your
creativity and generosity.

Karen de Villiers Moore von Tzaneen, South Africa. 2013-07-30 14:07:47
I am so thrilled to find your site. Your designs are amazing and so lovely
to see. Thank you very much for sharing them with us for free for a while
and letting us have access to purchase those we have missed and really

Julierose von CT, USA. 2013-07-13 15:40:42
Enjoy your site. Lovely patterns..

Terry McDonald von German New York. 2013-07-08 20:47:31
Just love your quilt blocks cant whate to get the wildlife pattern I sent
for and get started. Thank you !!!

Terri von California, U.S.A.. 2013-07-03 03:57:21
Just stopped by to see if I could get patterns for your butterflies. They
are exquisite!

Deana Hanson von Zwolle, Louisiana, USA. 2013-06-20 00:46:46
I love your quilts! I have made some quilts, and took one class at a quilt
shop in Hemphill, Texas. I really like your lighthouses and landscape
quilts. Thank you for allowing me to look at your website.

Donna von Calgary, AB Canada. 2013-05-01 22:35:36
I have just recently come across your website. What you are creating is
truely unique. Thank you for sharing.

Sarah von Michigan. 2013-04-29 20:38:56
Back in 2008 I was making scrappy quilts off your site, that I just loved.
My friend and I were just looking at the old quilts we made, (that we love)
but neither of us can find the old patterns. And your site today I just
cant locate them. They were simple blocks, that you changed the color and
then when put together it made a beauiful quilt with a pattern. I think
they were calld nine patch wonders. And I know I brought them in 2008.
I just loved them.
I love your site.

Diane Packer von Canada. 2013-04-26 20:08:25
I LOVE your lighthouses

Ruby Murphy von Rogers, Arkansas. 2013-04-09 21:37:07
I love making Baby Quilts

flavia von sud italy. 2013-04-06 19:23:39
bellissimi i fari....spero un giorno di poter visitarli ,
deve essre meraviglioso viverci...a presto

Henriette Gast von Koblenz. 2013-03-20 23:34:29
Hallo Claudia,
ich versuche seit Tagen, die Möwe Emma herunter zu laden. Leider wird
immer nur das Deckblatt ausgedruckt, beim Rest kommt die Fehlermeldung,
dass ein Fehler beim Drucken aufgetreten sei. Passiert das auch anderen?
Bisher habe ich schon oft die Monatsblöcke ohne Probleme runtergeladen.
Herzliche Grüße

uli n. von bensberg. 2013-03-14 13:17:11
hallo claudia, dass du dich mit dem thema beschäftigst, wusste ich ja<;
aber so professionell??? klasse! hgw! tolle idee!
glg uli

Monic von Wilkau Haülau. 2013-03-08 14:39:25
Hallo Claudia,
eine KLASSE Seite mit tollen Inspirationen.
Danke für so viel Liebe zum Detail.
Ich werde mir diese Techniken aneignen müssen, weil mir alles so gut gefällt,
was bei dir zu sehen ist.

Marilyn Ann Provino von North Carolina, USA. 2013-03-08 13:12:37
Your paper piecing patterns are the best! I am working on your sea life
quilt through our local store. We get approximately 2 patterns per month.
I love the California Sea Lion. Keep up the great work!

Bobbi Jo Kühnert von Wohne in Heilsbronn, aus USA. 2013-03-02 01:24:03
Lieben Dank für alle Deine tolle Muster liebe Claudia!
Ich freue mich sehr auf Chicagos Leuchtturm, bin eine halbe Stunde
westlich von Chicago gross geworden. :o)
Liebe Grüße and happy quilting aus Mittelfranken and hugs,

Lucia Casaverde von Brazil. 2013-02-13 23:59:54
herzliche danke für alles!

Peter Freymond von CH-8630 Rüti, Rosenheimstrasse 8. 2012-12-24 11:05:59
Ich suche eine schöne Tagesdecke, Bett-Dimensionen 200x140cm und habe an
einen Quilt gedacht. Gibt es eine Auswahl von Sujets oder
Auftragsfertigung? Gerne erwarte ich deine Nachricht. |