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(Die letzten Jahre sind gerade noch in Arbeit)

Gästebucheinträge im Jahr 2005

December 29th 2005
Janice Sanders
USA -Tennessee
Love your site with paper piecing I check every month for patterns Thanks.
I hope you had a very Merry Christmas and your New Year will be great

December 28th 2005
Georgia, usa
I love to paper piece. Your garden border/sashing is quite lovely. Thanks
for offering it.

December 28th 2005
Lyn Hallam
Love your work......Lyn

December 27th 2005
This is my first visit to your website. I am really enjoying the beautiful
Christmas music it's playing right now.
Very happy to see you will be posting fruit patterns in 2006. I was
wondering, do you post the actual pattern that a person can use? Please
let me know.
Thank you very much.

December 21st 2005
Susanne Noß
Liebe Claudia,
ich freue mich immer wieder riesig auf deinen neuen Block und bin jedesmal
begeistert von den wunderschönen, einmaligen Motiven.
Vielen Dank, dass du dein Talent mit uns allen teilst!
Deine Seite ist eine der schönsten und liebevollsten HPs, die ich kenne!
Danke dafür und liebe Grüße,
ein schönes Weihnachtfest und einen guten Rutsch

December 16th 2005
Brenda Goring
Higginsville, Missouri
Your site was sent to me by our state guild web maden(?)

December 15th 2005

December 4th 2005
Judy Baker
Bardstown, Kentucky, USA
Dear Claudia,
I want to thank you very much for your generosity in providing the "My
Garden" blocks this past year. I just downloaded the sashing block and now
look forward to making this beauty for my home. I really appreciate all
your hard work and the fact that you give it away! What an awesome person
you must be :)) May you have a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful New

December 2nd 2005
Isis Eliane Lopes Miranda da Conceição
Is always a thrill to expect your block of the month... and they are
always better than I imagined

December 2nd 2005
Michigan, USA
Thank you so much for your beautiful My Garden quilt. These blocks are so
lovely. Thank you so much for sharing your talents with others.

November 30th 2005
Jane T
Northeastern Ontario, Canada
A friend of mine recently regained her eyesite. She is a quilter and was
delighted to 'see' and hear your beautiful website. Thank you. Thank you
for sharing your BOMs!

November 12th 2005
Loretta Walker
Bowling Green, Missouri
I just love your site. Your patterns that you share are fantastic and to
be able to view what quilters do with them is wonderful. I spend alot of
time here viewing and listening to your background music. Absolutely
fantastic, relaxing time. Thank you, Loretta Walker

November 9th 2005
Kathy R
Adelaide Australia
I am very glad i have found your site,
It is wonderful, Kathy in Adelaide

October 21st 2005
Sandra D
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Claudia - thank you so much for all of your hard work - your projects and
patterns are wonderful - I've done the "My Garden" BOM every month since
it started, and I can't wait to see the finished project, lol. I also
saved the My Friend the Tree series to do, now that I'm better at paper
piecing :)

October 16th 2005
Janet Weise
Chattanooga, TN
I have been admiring your work for so long! I am making a "fall" quilt and
am using yours for my inspiration! Keep up the great work!
I want to make the hedgehog!

October 15th 2005
Ann Carlile
Layton, Utah USA
One of the members of the Pat Sloan Yahoo group
(Rejane from Brazil) shared a picture of the rose from your BOM project
that she is working on. It was outstanding and many people are commenting
about it. Then she shared the link to your site. I'd like to receive your
Yahoo email letter, but can't seem to get the link for signing up to work.
However, I have bookmarked your site and will check in occasionally. Thank
you. Sincerely. Ann

October 8th 2005
fallbrook, ca. usa
i love your work and look forward to seeing and sewing your block of the
month patterns

October 7th 2005
Diana Bowen
Louisa KY
Love your quilts my hat off to you. love them and cant wait to see
more.Please add me to your newsletter list I dont want to miss anything!

October 4th 2005
Christine Kersch
The USA - Oregon, on the west coast - town is Winston
Your web site is Wonderful. I love your quilt patterns! I plan to make
several Christmas Wreaths and lots of the Crazy Stars! My family will love
them. Thanks you for all your hard work and creativity. I will be back
often to see what is new. This one of the BEST quilt sites on the internet!
Chris Kersch

September 28th 2005
Hallo Claudia,
haben in einer Hau-Ruck-Aktion letzten Samstag abend mit den
Stieffmütterchen angefangen. Und sie am Sonntag in Form eines Kissens
verschenkt. Kam super an, die neue Besitzerin ist ganz hingerissen.
Danke für die schöne Vorlage.
Grüße Katrin
P.S. Wenn ich die nächsten Tage mal dazu komme schicke ich Dir ein Foto!

September 24th 2005
Your blocks are some of the best that I have seen. They are so unique!!!!
Keep up the great work!

September 22nd 2005
Brenda Hicks
live in Costa Rica from US
Your quilts are beautiful I can't wait to get started. Very inspiring.
Love the web site - want to learn how to make the butterflies and clouds!
On color wash do you turn the fabrics over for the light squares or
amazingly find material that light?

September 2nd 2005
Pat Newport
New Zealand
Y ou have a lovely website and just love the music

August 28th 2005
kentucky USA
Beautiful site I love it, thank you so much for posting your quilts

August 18th 2005
informative site. useful items. quickens my interest

August 12th 2005
Jackie Comfort
California, USA
I found your website today....it is wonderful! I have visited your "links"
as well. It is so nice to know there are so many sister quilters all over
the world!!

August 2nd 2005
Carolyn Meuser
New Mexico, USA
I found your pretty site today 8-2-2005. Thanks.

July 27th 2005
Elisete Sanchez
I love your site and quilts

July 18th 2005
Sandi Morris
I currently live in Cordova Tennesse (outside of Memphis)
I love your web site - I am a beginner paper piecer and I love it!

July 16th 2005
Wirklich eine ganz wunderschöne HP! Deine Quilts sind zum Schwärmen und
dazu noch die Musik!! Ich verweil, träum und inspirier mich ganz gern an
Deiner Seite!

July 11th 2005
Jitka Chucmhalova
Brno, Czech republic
Hi Klaudia,
I like your patterns and your website very very much. It is very
inspirative for me.I try to make my patterns and its are available in my
www under "Navody ke stazeni". My www is for the presents time in check,
but I want to prepare my patterns in english.

July 8th 2005
Liebe Claudia,
jedesmal wenn ich deine homepage besuche passiert das Gleiche: ich bin
tief beeindruckt über deine Arbeiten! Ich frage mich, ob deine Tage mehr
als 24 Stunden haben! Deine Quilts und Blocks sind traumhaft! Liebe
Grüsse! Susi

July 2nd 2005
Juanita Rogers
Vielen Dank fur all die schoenen Quilt Bloecke . Juanita
Happy Holidays

July 1st 2005
Sue Money
Kitchener, Ontario Canada
Fabulous site!!! thank you Sue

June 29th 2005
thank you for sharing your lovely website and beautiful quilts.

June 29th 2005
Ania Vitale
Leverkusen (hallo Nachbar :-))
Hallo Claudia,
ich war mal wieder auf Deiner HP und stelle fest, dass ich viel zu selten
vorbei schaue. Deine Garten-Pattern sind wirklich einmalig schön.
Ich freue mich schon auf die Dinosaurier, hihi.
Die werde ich dann aber nicht verpassen :-))
Viele liebe Grüsse von nebenan, Ania

June 19th 2005
Connie McClure
Columbus Ohio
Nice website, lots of great patterns! keep up the great work!

June 12th 2005
kay stuepfert
La Moille, Illinois USA
What a wonderful web site. Really enjoyed the time I spent here. I will be
back. Thanks so much.

June 12th 2005
Carol Jeanne Hanna
Princeton, Illinois 61356 USA
This is fabulous!

June 12th 2005
Janice Caudill
Kentucky, USA
Very beautiful Quilts and patterns. I will visit again. Thank you.

June 11th 2005
You have a wonderful site, I have added it to my favorities.

June 9th 2005
Janet Lynch
Nashua,New Hampshire USA
beautiful patterns

June 8th 2005
Riedstadt, Germany
Deine Quilt-Webseiten sind die schönsten, die ich je besucht habe, quasi
"Hühnersuppe für die Seele"!

June 8th 2005
Tumbi Umbi Australia
Dear Claudia,
Love your Quilt page , I can't wait to make the applique'd chestnut leaf.
Thankyou for sharing.

June 6th 2005
thank you

June 6th 2005
Marjorie Gant
Katy, Texas USA
I love your site......I am very impressed with it...I am a beginning
quilter and you have inspired me to try your garden blocks...Thanks and
may God Bless You!!!!

June 4th 2005
Billie Shirk
Louisville, Tn USA
I love your quilts. You have a great talant and thank you for sharing it
with others. Billie

June 2nd 2005
Jutta Järvinen
Eskilstuna, Schweden
Danke sehr för die Schmetterlige, Sie ist sehr schön. Ich glaube ich muss
die Müster heute machen. Danke!
Jutta Järvinen

May 30th 2005
USA - Maryland
Such beautiful patterns! I love how everyone sends pictures of their
finished projects from around the world...great website!!! I'm signing up
for your newsletter!

May 24th 2005
Peschel Elisabeth
Siegfried-Leopold-Str.44, 53225 Bonn
Was ich bis jetzt gesehen und gelesen habe hat mi ch richtig begeistert.
bin ganz platt, welche Entwicklung Sie genommen haben. Toll
Gruß Peschel

May 24th 2005
This is my first visit to your website and I really like your website

May 20th 2005
I am very interested in your dinosaur quilt. Please let me know when you
start it.

May 20th 2005
Barbara Schlag just showed me you page. It is adorable! Thanks.

May 15th 2005
Janice Marsden
Yuba City, California
I just love your web site. The monthly patterns are my favorite one's.
Thank You so much.

May 13th 2005
Connie Chamberlain
USA..Cotopaxi Colorado
Haven't looked.Wanted to say hello.I quilt and machine embroidery

May 8th 2005
Judy Hillman
Salem, Oregon, USA
You have such a talent. I would love to see your work in book form to be
distributed to quilt shops in the USA. The same holds true for your
patterns. Thank you for sharing with all of us.

May 7th 2005
USA Colorado
Thank you for letting me enjoy hours of looking at beautiful quilts and
creations !
If I had more free time...I would use it to gaze at all the
accomplishments shown on your website.
Thank you for sharing

May 7th 2005
Lammechien Myers
sterling hts.mich.u s a
this is a wonderfull sight

May 6th 2005
Maria Regina Muller
São Leopoldo - BRASIL
Alles was ich schön finde und gern habe, sehe ich in Deiner wunderschönen
HP .
Liebe Grüsse
Maria Regina

May 4th 2005
Laly Tomé
Cantabria, Spain
A beatifull site, great patterns, I'll look at you :). Greetings from

May 3rd 2005
Maranda Rockwood
Kelso, Washington
Your quilts and patterns have really inspired me.Thank you :)

May 2nd 2005
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Wow what a lovely site. It's so beautiful and relaxing to look at that I
have added to my very favourites list. I look at the site almost every day
because your patterns are so lovely. I'm new to paper piecing so when I
get better I'll order your patterns. Thanks for a lovely site.

May 1st 2005
toos = Vorname !
in luxemburg
eine wunderschoene Webseite und Hut ab vor dem was da geboten wird,
rechtherzlichen Dank und noch viele schöne Stunden, zum 1. Mai geniessen
Sie die Sonne

April 16th 2005
Es war eine Freude über deine Home Page zu schlendern und deine schöne
Stücke zu bewundern

April 16th 2005
Glennis Calvert
Salmon Arm, BC Canada
Wonderful ideas and projects

April 12th 2005
Donna Wright
Green Forest Arkansas
Like your web site,and visit it often. Thank You

April 7th 2005
Germany - near Stuttgart
Hallo, was für eine wunderschöne HP, selten war ich so gerne am stöbern.
Würde mich über einen Besuch auf meiner HP freuen.
Gruß _Anke

April 5th 2005
Barb Versnick
Greenville, SC USA
I enjoy your sight and am going to make the garden quilt some day. I used
the nest in a quilt with birds, that is almost finished. Thank you. It was
just what I needed in the middle.

April 4th 2005
Wonderfull website and paper pieced pattern.
Cheers from Inge in Denmark

April 4th 2005
Melanie Neubert
Edingen, Deutschland
wunderschöne Website mit tollen Mustern. Hier schau ich öfters mal rein.

April 4th 2005
M. lussier
St. Claude, Manitoba, Canada
Thank you so much for the acorn paper peiced pattern. Will use it for our
guilds strip exchange.

April 3rd 2005
Elna Gustavsson
Romelanda in Sweden
I`m very happy to visit you´r lovely sight. Keep up the good work, see you
soon again. I will put your sight i Favourites Elna

April 3rd 2005
Teresa Palmer
Absolutely wonderful site. I love you patterns and quilts! You are an

April 1st 2005
Jan Weedon
Nova Scotia, Canada
Please contact me. I cannot get your email to work. Your work is beautiful

April 1st 2005
Wisconsin, USA
Love your website, the music is great!!

April 1st 2005
Judy Baker
Bardstown, KY USA
I just want to say thank you for designing such a wonderful block of the
month quilt for us. I am very partial to flowers and gardens and am
looking forward to making this quilt. Again, thank you for your kindness
to all of us!

March 31st 2005
Have not seen website yet. I am just about to browse

March 31st 2005
donna jones
brockton, massachusetts, usa
love looking at international quilting sites, but soon discover similar
interests the world over you've done some wonderful (tricky) foundation

March 30th 2005
CH Ostermundigen
Hallo Claudia, ich finde Deine Bilder wunderschön. Ich bin keine Quilterin,
sondern Modische Gestalterin, könnte es im Alter vielleicht durch Dich
noch werden!!! Mach weiter so.
Liebe Grüsse margrita

March 29th 2005
Sue Gamel
Collins, NY USA
Enjoyed your website & patterns

March 29th 2005
I really like your patterns and would like to see more.

March 27th 2005
Joanne Porter
Fort Smith Arkansas
great patterns. Thanks

March 24th 2005
Columbus, Ga. US
I Love your website and your quilts. Altho I am not a quilter or sewer, I
am an artist and love designs.My grandmother was a quilter and used an old
fashioned quilting frame. Some of my fondest memories of my childhood is
playing around her while she quilted, her quilts were beautiful and made
from scraps of our clothes. I still have two of them and cherish them very
much. Just wanted to tell you, a great site.

March 22nd 2005
Frieda Zeilinger
3914 Rappoltschlag 4 - Waldviertel - Österreich
Hallo finde die homepage toll. Bewundere die Kunstwerke, da ich von meiner
Schwägerin weiss wieviel Arbeit dahintersteckt. - Die Bären finde ich auch
ganz toll, da ich selbst schon einige gemacht habe. - Momentan male ich,
wie aus meiner homepage-adresse zu ersehen ist, Artikel aus Keramik.
Viel Spaß weiterhin beim patchworken. -

March 22nd 2005
Wilmington, North Carolina
Love Block Machine Quilting.

March 17th 2005
Toornto, Canada
Great site, lots of beatiful quilt.

March 15th 2005
Lynn Moore
Kincardine, Ontario Canada
I really enjoyed your site very much. I plan to visit you often.

March 12th 2005
Erika Neesen
bin aus Deutschland/Kiel aber z.Zt. beruflich i. Ägypten Alexandria
ich arbeite gern nach Deinen Mustern und Vorlagen. Habe das Hafen-Meer-
Motiv- als Grundlage ergänzt insg. als kieler Förde- da Heimweh- ein
traumhaft schöner Wandbehang. Bist du an foto interessiert?

March 9th 2005
virginia lizano
Costa Rica, Central America
Very nice and so quite your designs

March 5th 2005
Emilia Gonzalez
Costa Rica
I live in Costa Rica, your website is very very good... THANK YOU...
Espero que entiendas soy de Costa Rica y no hablo ingles, pero queria que
supieras que tu sitio esta super lindo...and your family is beautiful...

March 4th 2005
Auf der Suche bin ich nach neuen Ideen,
will dabei in die Gästebücher sehen,
um mich einzutragen, da kann niemand klagen!
Freue mich auf Besuch!
Grüßle Phoebe

March 4th 2005
Gert Vander Brug
Massachusetts USA
Thank you for sharing your patterns and your beautiful work. You are a
generous person.

March 2nd 2005
Freda Turner
Perkins Oklahoma USA
Thanks so much for the free patterns. They are very nice.

February 25th 2005
Nola Harlan
Richland MI USA
I love your site and you are so creative with your quilts.

February 22nd 2005
Marcella Ford
Newberry,Michigan U.S.A.
Just printed the Hedgehog and am anxious to get started, love all of your
patterns and want to purchase others #1 thru #10. how do I purchase them?
thank you mf

February 20th 2005
Gail Pfahler
Bentonville Arkansas (Home of the Wal-Mart stores)
I Love this site, and the free patterns!

February 19th 2005
Pam Johnson
Michigan United States
I really enjoy your patterns as I love to paperpiece. I am waiting for a
heart transplant so I do alot on online projects.

February 15th 2005
State of Maryland, USA
CUTE hedgehog! :)

February 15th 2005
Hortencia Ruiz
Puerto Rico
This is the first time that I visit your site. I'm learning to quilt for
the first time. So far I enjoy it very much eventhough I haven't done much

February 14th 2005

February 13th 2005
Koblenz am Rhein
Hallo Claudia,
deine Homepage ist für mich eine der schönsten. Sie ist so liebevoll
gestaltet und deine Quilts und Bären sind eine richtige Augenweide. Danke
für die BOM-Anleitungen.
Liebe Grüße

February 12th 2005
Watertown New York
I love your bears, so cute. your quilt blocks are very nice hope to see
more in the future..
this is a fun site, very interesting.

February 11th 2005
Cilli Kaltenbrunner
Steyr Österreich
Liebe Claudia,lieben Dank für den Block des Monats,jeden Monat warte ich
schon sehnsüchtig darauf.Dein Hompage ist super.
Liebe Grüsse Cilli

February 10th 2005
Tatjana Wild
Bottenwil (Schweiz)
Eine ganz wundervolle Homepage! Deine Quilts sind wirklich wunderschön,
wie aus einem Bilderbuch!!

February 8th 2005
Texas USA
Thank you so much, you are a great inspiration!! Wonderful free pattern
Hedgehog is going to be my hand sewn in front of TV project. Missed
previous patterns :O will follow in future. Thank you for sharing and GOD

February 7th 2005
You have a beautiful site and very well put together. It seems you have
spent alot of time making it. Thanks for letting me visit. Keep up the
beautiful work...
Hugzzz mep

February 5th 2005
Betty O'Leary
Charleston, South Carolina USA
Your snowflake and house quilt is really great. Some day I want to design
something like this.

February 4th 2005
Mary Handley
Love your site--especially the music and snowflakes.

February 3rd 2005
Maxine J Turner
Your quilts and quilt blocks are beautiful!I look forward to checking your
site often.

February 2nd 2005
PACHOUD Véronique
Sorry for my english, it is not very good. You make a very nice travel!

February 2nd 2005
Maggie Mullett
Syracuse, NY
I just love this link and thank you for the free BOM .........I love
sharing this link with friends.....

February 1st 2005
Tracy Barnes
Guelph, Ontario, Canada
Thank you so much for all the free blocks they are wonderful, your very
talented and I will eventually have to buy the ones I've missed.

January 31st 2005
Inés Romero García
Sevilla - España
me ha gustado mucho tu página y me gustan las cosas que haces.

January 26th 2005
Carole Dutton
London, Ontario, Canada
First time visitor. Lovely graphics. Is your BOM Delphenium the beginning
of a new BOM?

January 23rd 2005
Bärbel Wenk
Liebe Claudia, was ich gesehen habe, ist Patchchwork und Quilt in
Perfektion. Wunderschön!!!!! Ebenso gefällt mir aber Ihre Homepage,
absolut hervorragen,; endlich einmal eine schöne Patchsite aus
Deutschland. Ich werde ganz sicher häufiger einmal vorbeischauen. Liebe
Grüße Bärbel

January 21st 2005
Just surfed in. It's a nice place to visit.
I do a little bit of patchwork myself.

January 19th 2005
dorit casper
i love yore websaite.

January 17th 2005
nashville,TN USA
I love the lighthouse quilt. How do I get the pattern or blocks for a
Queen size?
every thing is beautiful.

January 15th 2005
Ozark Missouri
Your site is delightful and different. Thank you for the time I know it
takes to make the site

January 13th 2005
Irmgard Jacob
Ontario, Kanada
Hallo Claudia,
Ich finde Ihre Webseite sehr schoen und auch die Muster gefallen mir gut.
Musik und Farben sind wunderbar zusammengestellt.
Frage: Wo kann man in Deutschland die Stoffmusterpakete bekommen? ( wie in
Ihrem "Flower Garden" Quilt)?
Ich wohne seit ueber 30 Jahren in Kanada und quilte seit ca. 10 Jahren.
Freue mich zu sehen, dass diese Handarbeit auch in Deutschland sehr
aktuell ist.
Alles Gute,

January 10th 2005
Eileen Hoheisel
Pierz, Minnesota USA
lots of beautiful quilts!!

January 9th 2005
Marilyn Fisher
Holland, Michigan USA
Very beautiful quilt.

January 9th 2005
Paula Payton
American now resident of Sweden
Your designs are beautiful and inspiring.

January 7th 2005
Sabine :o)
Hallo Claudia,
Ich freue mich sehr über den Geschmack und die Qualität auf deinen
liebevoll gestalteten Seiten - manchmal ärgert man sich beim Surven ja
über Mittelmäßigkeit u. Selbstüberschätzung
- dagegen sind Deine Quilts eine echte Augenweide! Es macht einfach Spaß,
hier durchzuzippen (und sich Fotos 'runterzuladen:o)

January 6th 2005
Sadie Lindsay-Brooks
Birmingham UK
Fantastic quilts inspiring

January 5th 2005
I live in Mexico
Claudia, I love your work, and eagerly await each month's new block. Thank
you so much for making them available to us.

January 3rd 2005
I love your site! Have started patchwork about 3 years ago and am already
passionated with it so much!
Would love to hear from other quilters.
gretings and happy New Year to all

January 2nd 2005
Kirsten Kronstedt
Saskatchewan, Canada
Great patterns! Thank you!

January 1st 2005
Karen Bonter
Port Coquitlam,BC Canada
I love your web site and look forward to your free block of the month.

January 1st 2005
What a lovely site. Have spent quite a bit of time here and will certainly
return to finish up. Must watch the Rose Parade now.

January 1st 2005
Lori Hammett
Auburn, California USA
You have one of the best web sites I have been to. It is easy to get
around and a joy to look at.
AND your quilting is amazing! I feel fortunate to have found you.
Thank you for being so kind and sharing your talents with me.

January 1st 2005
Lynette Hendriks
I love all your quilts they are beautiful
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