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Gästebucheinträge im Jahr 2008

December 20th 2008
Norma Abbott
Ridgecrest, Ca
I love your patterns and after the Christmas mail has stopped, I will be
ordering your book. I know it is not in English, but I do believe I will
be able to follow the photos and use the patterns.... you are a very
talented lady.

December 16th 2008
Dank je wel voor de mooie patronen

December 2nd 2008
Zephyrhills, FL USA
I like your site it si now in my favorites

December 1st 2008
Mary Chester
Illinois, USA
Hi Claudia,
I want to thank you for all your BOMs. They are so darling. Also, I want
to wish you the happiest of Holidays. Hugs,
Gypsy (aka Mary Chester)

November 16th 2008
good morning!! happy quilting! :-)

November 11th 2008
Good ideas - Nice patterns ! Beautiful ! SUPER

November 5th 2008
marsha haney
concord, north carolina, usa
New to your site but I love it

November 2nd 2008
Deutschland , Lingen
Hallo Claudia,
finde deine Webseite sehr schön . Übersichtlich und gut gestaltet , so
dass auch nicht oder wenig Computer erfahrene wie ich , damit zurecht
kommen . Deine Anleitungen sind einfach toll. Freue mich und warte schon
immer mit Ungedult auf den nächsten Monatsblock. Danke!

November 1st 2008
Josie Beaulieu
Estevan, Saskatchewan. Canada
I love your patterns!!

November 1st 2008
Bev Smith
Michigan, USA
I am new at paper piecing and I like our "freebies"

November 1st 2008
Ohio, USA
Thank you for all of the time and effort you put into giving us the free
patterns! I love your work and greatly appreciate all that you do!

October 28th 2008
Mass,. USA
Thank you for the wonderful pattern, I can hardly wait to get started.

October 26th 2008
anita kelm
Beautifully done. Well chosen music. Good color in quilts. I enjoyed all .
Thank you!

October 15th 2008
Bengina L Reed
Nipomo, California
Your pattern are just beautiful

October 15th 2008
luella winne
united states
i am interested in applique leaves for a quick project for our
Thanksgiving celebration.

October 15th 2008
07:11:39 AM
Susan Lewis
Jerusalem, Israel
I love your website! Your music and graphics are lovely. And your quilts
are beautiful!

October 7th 2008
Rebecca Enlow
Ojai, California
i have admired your work for many years. i am thrilled that you share it
with us

October 7th 2008
norwood massachusetts usa
thanks for your patterns ,there great

October 2nd 2008
Reno Nevada USA
You are very talented. I appreciate you sharing your work with me.
Thank you very much.

September 13th 2008
Diane Gray
Dayton, OH
Your site is very helpful and interesting.

September 9th 2008
Love your things

September 8th 2008
Hallo Claudia
Herzlichen Dank für all die tollen Blöcke! Da ist eigentlich mal wieder
ein Schoggi-Päckli fällig... ;-)
Liebe Grüsse aus der Schweiz

September 7th 2008
Antoinette Nichols
Tennessee USA
Love your site!! You have a lot of talent!!

August 20th 2008
Ulrike Fischer
Neustadt a. d. Wstr.
Hut ab, ich habe schon lange nicht mehr eine so schöne, mit viel Liebe
gestalte deutsche Seite gefunden. Weiter so. Von den Patterns natürlich
ganz zu schweigen. Habe auch gleich die wundervollen Orchideen bestellen
müssen. Werde weiterhin die Seite im Auge behalten.
Alles Liebe und weiter so.

August 8th 2008
Moore, Oklahoma United States
You have a lovely site, i have enjoyed it very much, Thank you for sharing
with us.

July 30th 2008
Your site is beautiful and full of inspiration!

July 24th 2008
Dolores Sedore
Toronto, Ontario Canada
I love your site and I would like to thank you for posting free patterns.
Your really put a lot of effort into them and it shows.
Have a great vacation.

June 28th 2008
Ginny Carroll
Tavares, Florida USA
Love your patterns. Purchased "Sea Life" a few months ago. I am now
working on ORCHIDS. They are beautiful. Thanks for the great patterns.

June 13th 2008
Debbie Kelly
Elkhart Indiana U.S.A.
nice website.great patterns. you have a wonderful talent thanks for

June 7th 2008
11:16:48 PM
Gladys Der
USA, New York
I love quilting and learning new things.

June 1st 2008
Hallo Claudia, möchte mich mal wieder melden. Ich habe eine Frage, wäre es
möglich, dass du mal nach Karlsruhe kommen würdest um bei uns einen Kurs
zu geben? Ist mal nur so eine Idee von mir, mir gefallen deine Sachen
super und ich kenne einige, die sicher kommen würden.
Sei lieb gegrüßt aus dem heißen wilden Süden

May 23rd 2008
FANTASTIC! I really loved it. Congratulations for all these beutiful work!

May 1st 2008
Clarksville, Texas USA
You have some wonderful quilts.

March 20th 2008
Thank you for your free patterns.Anyway,I love your patterns.

March 4th 2008
Evelyn Thomas
Florida - USA (Hudson)
I really love how you create these gorgeous paperpieced replicas of real
life items. Thanks for your inspirations and sharing your dream.

February 23rd 2008
Maria Marcia
Umuarama, Paraná - Brasil
As possibilidades no uso de retalhos para criar imagens são infinitas.
Percebi isso vendo seus trabalhos. Bonitos demais.
Até mais,

February 21st 2008
Lise Genson
East Amherst NY
I'm enjoying your site. Your designs are beautiful.

February 6th 2008
Lyon ( France)
It'is always a plasir to visit your galleries... I don't make a lot of
patch ( I love cross stitch and don't have so many time) but I hope I will
find time for sewing this beautiful clown fish ( That is my son's pseudo...)
Thanks for showing us so beautifuls quilts and offering us your patterns.
love from France
(Excuse my bad english...)

February 5th 2008
Evelyn Thomas
Florida - USA
I really love your designs they are so lifelike... thanks for all of your
wonderful work! Warm Quilty Hugs from 1 quilter to another.. Evelyn

January 31st 2008
Ginny Carroll
Tavares, Florida
Just purchased Sea Life paper pieced patterns. They are adorable and I
can't wait to get started on them.

January 31st 2008
Charlene S
I love your quilts. I am a beginner quilter currently taking a class. I
love it and am planning on making quilts for my entire family for
Christmas next year (probably wont though)

January 29th 2008
Paula Coonce
South Carolina, U.S.A.
Thank you for your peaceful website.

January 24th 2008
Ireland and now Canada
My friend is encouraging me to make a quilt...not really that enthused
until I saw crazy quilts and I was literally drooling!!!! this is what I
would love love love to make!! your site is wonderful,informative and free!!

January 21st 2008
Hallo Claudia,
ich möchte mich bei Dir für die sehr schönen Anleitungen bedanken,die Du
uns jeden Monat kostenlos zur Verfügung stellst.
Liebe Grüße,Gudrun

January 9th 2008
Montreal Quebec Canada
I loved your pattern. In 2008 I want to learn paper piecing . My projet is
all the fruits I found on your site last year
Bye Bye Suzanne

January 3rd 2008
Ich wünsche Ihnen ein gutes neues Jahr und bedanke mich für die schöne
Serie Leben im Meer. |