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der neuen Datenschutzbestimmungen aufgeben.
Die vielen lieben Beiträge aus den letzten Jahren kannst du hier
(Die letzten Jahre sind gerade noch in Arbeit)

Gästebucheinträge im Jahr 2004

December 30th 2004
Irene Rosas
Midland, Texas
Enjoyed your website and your wonderful projects!!

December 23rd 2004
Hallo liebe Claudia, ich wünsche dir eine super-schöne Weihnacht,
weiterhin so gute Ideen und natürlich Gesundheit für's kommende Jahr.
Freue mich immer wieder über deine Seiten. Alles Liebe Claudia

December 20th 2004
Anne Trott
Great Britain
A lovely site, great patterns, thank you.

December 19th 2004
04:26:46 AM
Darca Ridley
Milford, Ks.
Was recently elected program chairman for our quilt club and am looking
for patterns for our BOM

December 14th 2004
NRW / Deutschland
Hallo Claudia
Da ich nun so viele Sterne genäht habe, und mich auch an anderen Projekten
versuche, möchte ich mich nicht davon stehlen, sondern will mich hier nun
endlich einmal verewigen...
Du bist so unendlich kreativ - es ist schön, Deine Seite zu kennen !!
Vielen Dank dafür und lieben Gruss

December 11th 2004
Thank You for the free patterns

December 11th 2004
Joan Carlson
Thank You for the free patterns

December 3rd 2004
Nelly Savage
Melbourne, Australia
I enjoy your websight and all your beautiful quilts and block patterns.

December 2nd 2004
Georgia Hillstrom
Misssion, Texas USA
I love this web site the music is great and the patterns my friend in
Sierra Vista, Arizona USA, and I do together. it is fun thank you

December 2nd 2004
God has given you a wonderful talent. Thank you.

December 1st 2004
Sandi Lane
Massachusetts, USA
love your web site

December 1st 2004
Ann Backhouse
Alberta Canada
I love your web site. Your patterns are wonderful. I look forward to
seeing many more.Thankyou for giving all of us quilters a chance to make
your lovely blocks

November 24th 2004
Lin Ewen
Albany, in Western Australia
I am loving your Block of the month series. And I just love having a look
around each month, when I come looking to see the new block!! I hope you
and your family and loved ones, have the most wonderful Christmas ever.
All the very best, Lin, Albany, Australia.

November 18th 2004
11:14:20 PM

November 15th 2004
St. Paul, Minnesota, USA
I just found your website tonight and I wanted to tell you how wonderfully
creative I think you are. Your quilts are stunning, and your website is so
intricate. Your choice of music to accompany the quilts is lovely. You
truly have a great talent, thank you for sharing it. You are inspirational!

November 14th 2004
Your site is awesome and very informative I really appreciated it and
thanks for for opportunity to comment!

November 8th 2004
Perth Western Australia
I am new to quilting and am very keen to learn all I can about it.

November 1st 2004
Red Bluff, California, USA (about 185 miles north of San Francisco)
Thank you for putting your designs on the internet, I've enjoyed seeing
them. After the busy holiday season if over I hope I can come back and try
some of them.

November 1st 2004
Jan Altom
Terrell TX - USA
love your site....

November 1st 2004
Langenfeld (Rhld.), Deutschland
Am Donnerstags war ich mit meiner Freundin bei einer Quiltasustellung in
Düsseldorf. Deine Quilts haben mir außerordentlich gut gefallen, vor allem
die "Quilterei" war faszinierend. Begeistert bin ich auch von Deiner
Homepage. Viele liebe Grüße

November 1st 2004
Monterey, TN
I love your site! Thank you for providing free quilt designs to beginners
like myself!

October 25th 2004
Carol Wiens
Hanna, Alberta- Canada
Thank you for the beautiful poppy pattern!
Will be back to see more.

October 21st 2004
Phyllis M. Clark
Florida, USA
Neat site. I'm enjoying my visit and look forward to your newsletters.

October 21st 2004
joy knorr
nebraska united states of america
your paper pieced garden is beautiful

October 15th 2004
Shoreline Washington USA
I love your web site thank you so very much.

October 14th 2004
Rockford, Illinois
Very very pretty quilts.

October 13th 2004
Yorkshire, England
Very inspiring collection, thank you.

October 12th 2004
Patrizia Rossini
Roma - Italy
I love Paper Piecing very much and your blocks are superb. With my
compliments, Patrizia

October 12th 2004
Joannie Davey
Colorado USA
Thanks for sharing your beautiful work. I love to look at all the
wonderful quilts, wallhangings..and everything at your website. It warms
my heart to see such beauty. Thank you Joannie

October 12th 2004
Dorothy Atkinson
Georgian Bay, ON, Canada
Your site always makes me happy. I enjoy browing through your pages to see
what is new.
Best Wishes another EQ user. Dorothy

October 10th 2004
Karen Banko
Southgate, Michigan, USA
I love the music on your web page! Please tell me what it is and where I
may find it!!!!!! Your quilts are beautiful and I will be putting this
site on my "favorites" list.
Karen Banko

October 10th 2004
ina klugt
lemele, the netherlands
i like your website. i have found it through my QuiltNed membership and
have promptly printed the pattern from the poppu,s. mij sister in law
collects patterns of alle kind of poppys. so, on her behalf, thans you. I
will propably make it as a little quilt for het birthday next april. And,
the music is realy a suprise.

October 9th 2004
I am a new qiulter :-) Your website is beautiful!

October 2nd 2004
Ghislaine Chartier
Québec , Canada
Good site.

September 24th 2004
Pat Buttitta
Seattle, Washington
Beautiful web site! I will return!

September 19th 2004
bedford n.h. usa
im glad i found this web site i will visit often

September 17th 2004
Carolyn Weber
Owatonna, Minnesota
I Love your site!

September 16th 2004
Christine Glassup
I have only had a quick look today as my lunchtime is almost finished but
I will have a better look tomorrow. I have enjoyed looking at the quilts.

September 8th 2004
Idaho, USA
I am enjoying your Garden BOM very much. I just wanted to thank you for
the time you spend on this, so others like me can enjoy your talents.

September 8th 2004
Carol Lamprecht
Texas, USA
You do beautiful work, have beautiful patterns. Thank you for the free
teddybear, Toby.
hugs,Carol L. in E. Tx

September 8th 2004
Alicia Watt
Midland, MI
Your site is very nice. The quilts are absolutely beautiful! I think my
favorite was the Halloweenswap quilt because I am ready for October. Thank
you for sharing your work.

September 8th 2004
Dear Claudia,
with eagerness I waited for your September BOM - not in vain. Thank you
for this beautiful block and for sharing your ideas with us. I can't wait
for the weekend to come and to sit down and start making it.

September 7th 2004
Love your site with all the beautiful things to see! You are a very
talented person. I look forward to seeing your new blocks and quilts.
Thanks for sharing with the rest of the world!

September 2nd 2004
Hei. Jeg havnet på din hjemmeside via en annen gjestebok. Du har en
utrolig flott hjemmeside. Quiltearbeidene dine er helt utrolig flotte.
Klem fra Greta

August 31st 2004
Miriam Binder
Thank you.

August 29th 2004
British Columbia, Canada
I am a new quilter. Your work inspires me. Thank you.

August 13th 2004
eve elliott
Washington state, USA
I just changed my email address with you so I wouldn't miss any of your
newsletters. I truely like receiving your info. Thanx and keep up the good
work! :)

August 8th 2004
Northern Maine
I am a New Quilter and would like to have help at my finger tips if
possible .I Do Mkae Bears out of Fur and Fake Fur But would Love to make a
quiltOf Bears.

August 7th 2004
Joan Fuggi
USA upstate New York
I just love your web site. It is so cheerful.

August 4th 2004
thiene (vicenza) italy
I tuoi quilt sono bellissimi.Complimenti anche per il tuo web site.

August 1st 2004

August 1st 2004
Kathy Feltmate
N.B. Canada
Thank you so much for the watering can paper pieced pattern. I love it!
That now makes 3 that I have...I unfortunately missed the rose and
topiaries...so sad. Hope that you have had a wonderful vacation in Austria.

August 1st 2004
Linda Doheny
Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
Thank you so much for the beautiful patterns. Keep up the
excellent work! Linda

August 1st 2004
Dominique Marie
France (near Angers)
Thank you for thrr block of the month and have a nice holiday

July 27th 2004
Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada
Thank you so much for your wonderful paper piecing patterns. I am
currently working on Snowy Houses and they are turning out beautifully.
Thank you so much

July 26th 2004
04:12:05 PM
Marilyn Penney
Conception Bay South, Newfoundland, Canada
This is my first visit. Can't wait to look around!

July 26th 2004
jan Vargo
My sister lived in Germany a few years ago, which made a visit to Germany
a dream come true. I was with my husband and two other sisters, and the
only one interested in needlework. I did not get to visit any quilt shops,
or any thing in that line. so I like to visit your shop on the web.
and I know I will never get back over there. Thank you

July 20th 2004
Enschede Niederlande
Wunderschone Sachen!

July 17th 2004
Carollen Mathieu
Worcester Ma. USA
I love your site!!! It is very kind of you to offer your patterns free per
month . Even if you miss a month the price is wonderful. You should check
out zippydesign.com see if they will sell your stuff. They are all about
foundation work...Thank you so very much.

July 17th 2004
I don´t speak English very well, but I want say you that you have a
wonderfull site. I´m so glad for find it.
Thank you for your work, and excuse me my mistakes.
En castellano: Pido disculpas porque no domino bien el inglés. PEro no
podía irme de tu web sin felicitarte y agradecer el trabajo que compartís
con quienes la visitamos. Tus quilts son fabulosos.

July 9th 2004
Lisa Grant
Fort Madison, Iowa USA
I enjoyed browsing your site. It is very nicely put together and your
quilts are very beautiful and an inspiration.

July 8th 2004
I am interested in scandinavian quilts

July 6th 2004
Tracy Barnes
Guelph,Ontario Canada
I am just learning how to do paper piecing and absolutely love your
patterns.Your site is really well done and I will definitely be
back.Thanks for the freebies,your very kind.I'll have to send you some
pictures when I'm finished.Good Luck with the pattern shop,I know that
you'll do well.

July 6th 2004
Hallo Claudia,
ich schaue regelmäßig auf Deiner Homepage rein, da sie mir so gut gefällt.
Deine freien Anleitungen finde ich wunderschön und freue mich immer wieder
auf sie. Ein großes Kompliment zu Deinem Können und ein herzliche
Dankeschön für die freien Schnittmuster!
Liebe Grüße aus Ludwigshafen,

July 5th 2004
Marybeth Smith
King, North Carolina USA
I was directed to your site from Block central...and I have had a truley
wonderful visit with you! I will definately come back and have tea with
you! Marybeth

July 1st 2004
08:33:06 AM
Julie Guest
What a wonderful site! I`m new to patchwork and your designs are very
inspiring. Love the music, colours, grafics. The best patchwork site I`ve
visited. So much to see. Will return often.

June 24th 2004
South African living in Finland
You have lovely webcite, enjoyed to look through it and read instructions
for paperpiecing method, need to do some new patchwork project and will
try with paperpiecing

June 24th 2004
Janice Bramlett
West Virginia, US
Beautiful site. Thank you.

June 23rd 2004
Barbara (Hanschu) Mason
Wichita, Kansas USA
You have a lovely site, very refreshing.

June 19th 2004
Hallo Claudia,
Deine HP anzuschauen hat mir viel Spaß gemacht. Ich sehe sie mir bestimmt
nochmal wieder an. Wie schaffst Du die vielen wunderschönen Projekte als
Mutter von zwei Kindern? Ich habe auch Kinder. Hat Dein Tag mehr als 24
Viele Grüße Laura

June 12th 2004
Karen Warthman
Sugar Grove,Ohio
What a comforting web site I have found with you. Just hoping to get a
little insight here into what quilting is all about, now that my children
are raised and on there own.
I will continue to explore your site and see if this will be something I
can do. I hope so it seems as though it would be a peaceful and healing
craft. Thanks once again for your info. Karen

June 11th 2004
Betty Edwards
Pineville, Louisiana USA
I have just discovered your website! It is a joy to explore. I just wish I
had discovered it two months ago when your"My Garden" Block of the Month
began! I will be back to visit often!

June 11th 2004
Anna Scott
Arkansas USA
Thank you very much for having such a wonderful site to come visit. I
spend a lot of time every month looking thru everything to see what'sa
been updated. Also thankls for all the free patterns that you give.

June 10th 2004
ann johnson
164 monaco dr franklin,in 46131
a beautiful site ,i love the music . i am a beginner, i have a big desire
and hunger to do beautiful work

June 9th 2004
Ontario, Canada
WOW!!!! Your patterns are beautiful. Thank you for sharing your talent!!!

June 8th 2004
vera adams
R R 3 Wetaskiwin, Alberta , Canada T9A 1X1
Love your site, the teddy bears are just beautiful, maybe I should try and
make one Vera

June 8th 2004
Pennsylvania in the United States
I have never made a quilt so I am looking around the net to see what is
available for patterns. Your sunflower block is unusual and very
interesting. Thanks for sharing.

June 7th 2004
Lin Ewen
Albany, South west of Western Australia
I love the peaceful feel of your website, the delightful designs, the
beautiful butterflies, flowers and not the least, the wonderful music.
Your patterns are.

June 7th 2004
Linda J
NE central Alabama, USA
Wonderful website, Claudia. My husband and I both liked listening to the "Over
the Rainbow" midi that is playing.
I love the garden BOM and the winter houses you had last year as well. As
a fellow EQ5 user I appreciate that we have a choice of which method to
use to download the projects. Keep up the good work!

June 5th 2004
Love your site especially the graphics like the moving butterflies on now.
The music is so peaceful. It all makes one feel like they are in a garden.

June 5th 2004
A very beautiful site. Congratulations to you
Eileen !

June 5th 2004
Jan Rowe
Arizona, USA
I love your sunflower block and wonder if I missed other beautiful flower
blocks from "your garden" and how I might be able to get them. Thank you
so much for creating such a beautiful block and sharing it with so many.

June 4th 2004
Ursel Breuksch-Schmitz
Neuss am Rhein
Hallo Claudia
ich habe schon oft deine Werke bewundert, aber da ich kein paper-piecing
nähen mag, nie etwas für mich in Anspruch genommen.
...Aber deine Sonnenblume mit Meise.....die werde auch ich nähen!!!
Und dafür möchte ich mich bedanken, daß du uns allen deine Muster, die so
sorgfältig ausgearbeitet sind, zur Verfügung stellst!
Tausend Dank
und weiterhin so viele Ideen ;)
Ursel aus Neuss

June 4th 2004
Paula C. Cole
Branson, Missouri USA
Hi. I love your website...especially the graphics....I find them so
soothing and calming!!
I will be downloading the June Sunflower pattern...thank you sooooo much
for allowing me to do so. I have your site safely added to my favorites so
that I may visit often.
Best Wishes, Paula

June 2nd 2004
Heidi Birkner
Hi Claudia,
ich habe mir soeben den Juniblock angesehen und bin restlos begeistert.
Die Sonnenblume mit dem Vögelchen ist ja traumhaft. Übertrifft alle meine
Erwartungen. Wie bekommt man den die "Strahlen" hin? Werde auf jeden Fall
wieder mitnähen.
Liebe Grüße

June 2nd 2004
Billie Shirk
Thanks for all the great patterns you share with other quilters. I love
your site.
Tks, Billie

June 1st 2004
just looking around to see what out there for quilters. I am pretty new at
quilting. I have been slowing learning about and how to quilt as time will
allow me to.I and three other family members made a quilt for my son and
his bride as wedding gift.I hope find many helpful and interesting ideas
here and other quilters sites. thank you for allowing us tobe a part of
your quilting life.

May 31st 2004
Carol Monetta
British Columbia, Canada
Very lovely site. Looking forward to more.
Be First to Post a Reply

May 26th 2004
Marcia Clough
Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA
I like your blocks of the month. Iam just a novice quilter, as I have only
made a doll quilt for my daughter's doll bed one year for Christmas. I
really like quilts and wamt to get started, but am just a little
apprehensive. I know that I can do it once I am committed just got to get
a little more motivated. I am thinking that I may use some of your blocks
in a quilt.

May 24th 2004
Renee Freeman
Washington State, USA
What a wonderful website!!! Really nice quilt patterns.

May 18th 2004
Frankston, Australia
Thank-you for showing your lovely quilts. They cheer me up and give

May 15th 2004
Lynn Savage
New Hampshire, USA
You have a very beautiful website (I particularly enjoyed the musical
selections), and your quilts are inspirational!

May 14th 2004
Claudia Brillemans
Grossziethen bei Berlin
liebe claudia,
ich hatte mir vor einiger zeit die anleitung zu deinem "mein freund, der
baum"-quilt gekauft und gerade (endlich!!!!) habe ich das top
fertiggestellt. ich find´s traumhaft schön und bin masslos stolz drauf!
ich hoffe, den quilt bis sonntag soweit fertigzustellen, dass ich mit ihm
bei einem kleinen patchworktreffen hier angeben kann :-)sobald ich kann,
schicke ich dir mal ein foto. vielen dank für die prima anleitung, nach
der ich sehr gut arbeiten konnte.
viele liebe grüsse vom rande der hauptstadt an den rhein

May 9th 2004
Queensland, Australia
Thank you for sharing your site. You have done some lovely projects. I
have not done a lot of patchwork but I do enjoy and admire other people's

May 3rd 2004
Marilynn Wiebe
Manitoba, Canada
What a delighful site. My husban and I had the pleasure of visiting
Germany in January, and fell in love with your country. Thank you for
beautiful music. I own a quilt store in the country that keeps me very

May 3rd 2004
Tolle Seite. Der Garten-BOM ist traumhaft, ich freu mich schon auf die
nächsten Teile...
Vielen Dank dafür !

May 2nd 2004
Carol MacNamara
British Columbia, Canada
Wonderful website. A joy to look at. I am doing your garden BOM and it is
lovely. Thank you.

May 2nd 2004
marie barnard
Hi, from Northwest Okla
Love your site, especially little butterflies that grow.

May 2nd 2004
Linda Rowan
Titusville Florida USA
Wonderful patterns. I just finished the Rose and it turned out Beautiful.

May 1st 2004
Linda Muscato
Washington, USA
Hi, I visited your site once before and have now found you again. This
time I have bookmarked it. Your patterns are wonderful. Thank you!

May 1st 2004
I just love your site and I have forwarded it to several of my friends
thank you

April 27th 2004
anja bohnau
monheim am rhein
eine wunderschöne seite, werde sicher öfter mal reinschauen.
mach weiter so.
lg anja

April 27th 2004
Omaha, Ne
Love your New Garden designs keep up the good work

April 25th 2004
North Florida, U.S.A.
Claudia, It isn't very often that I take the time to sign a
guestbook...But I have to say "Hello" to you! I really enjoyed looking at
your website & the beautiful creativity in your quilts & teddybears!!! I
enjoyed looking at all your wonderful creations!!!! Thank you so much for
sharing them with everyone!!! Hugs, Suzie

April 24th 2004
Sharon F. Burger
I love your site.I just wanted say Thankyou for sharing your talent for
Paperpiecing patterns.
The music is delightful to listen to--could you tell me name of the music
that is playing--it would be great to listen to wwhile piecing the Rose

April 24th 2004
Marie-Louise Tundal
I love your pattern so much and when you move I follow you to the next
adress. And the new pattern "ROSE" is so beautiful. Thanks and have a nice

April 21st 2004
die Niederlande
habe gerade deinen Website gefunden und schaue sie zum ersten Mal an.
Denke das ich mich sehr freue darueber.

April 21st 2004
Cedar Rapids, IA USA
I love coming to this site. Especially since Here Comes The Sun is one of
my favorite songs. I also think the My Friend the Tree is one of the
neatest quilts I have seen lately.

April 13th 2004
Lisa Williams
I love your patterns.
Look forward to the rest of The Garden.
Love the rose!

April 13th 2004
01:13:07 PM
Heidi Birkner
Hi Claudia,
ich habe den neuen Block des Monats angeschaut und heruntergeladen (das
kann ich inzwischen). Die Rose finde ich superschön, vielen Dank dafür.
Meine Frage dazu ist nur woher soll man denn die benötigten Stoffe
bekommen? Gibt es außer selber färben noch eine Möglichkeit? In den mir
bekannten Stoffgeschäften habe ich Stoffe in dieser Optik noch nicht
(zumindest nicht in größerer Auswahl) gesehen. Wäre für Antwort sehr
dankbar. Viele Grüße Heidi

April 12th 2004
Janet North
Oklahoma, USA
Wonderful website!!

April 12th 2004
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Lovely site..enjoyed the quilt patterns. Just downloaded the rose pattern
and looking forward to the rest of the series. Great of you to share in
this way.

April 11th 2004
Jaqueline de Freitas Veloso
I'm form Brazil, Itabira - Minas Gerais
Beautiful your quilt, your family, congratulations!
i'd like to correspondence with you.

April 11th 2004
Sharon Talley
Chimacum, WA, USA
You rose is gorgeous. I love paper piecing and hope to try the rose soon.
Thank you

April 11th 2004
Ontario, Canada
First time viewer here. Hard to read the home page... graphics are too big
at top to read. Love the BOM garden idea. I am hopeing to pervail with
this project. My mom always loved flowers.

April 10th 2004
Harriet Ondrasek
Fredericksburg, Texas
Just browsing around and looking at all the sites, Since this is a German
community and I am German on my Mothers side I always am interested in
things about Germany. I think your site is really cute and I enjoyed
seeing you and your sons. I shall return again.

April 10th 2004
Carol Lehr
Sheridan, IN USA
Love your website. Will be back, you can be sure!

April 10th 2004
Diane Lefebvre
Quebec Canada
I am new at quilting and find your work beautiful.

April 9th 2004
Julia Smith
Ajax, Canada
What a wonderful site and what beautiful quilts. I am in awe. Plus you let
me practice my high school German a bit. I have downloaded your rose
pattern and am looking forward to the rest.

April 7th 2004
Tennessee, USA
Love the Rose pattern, thank you for making it available to us!

April 5th 2004
Tucson, Arizona, USA
I just found your site and love some of your patterns. I am especially
fond of your rose. It is wonderful.

April 5th 2004
Stephanie Guthrie
England, but live in San Antonio, Texas.
Your work is beautiful. I have bookmarked this site and will be a regular
visitor from now on.
Thanks for sharing.

April 5th 2004
I like your quilting web site.

April 5th 2004
Leta Stokes
North Carolina USA
Love the rose and the butterflies

April 4th 2004
Ocean Springs, Mississippi USA
Thank you for the beautiful patterns. I wish you much success.

April 4th 2004
Charlotte Grohnke
Wimbledon,North Dakota ,frueher Kassel Deutschland.
The only mistake I saw was "sides" it should be "sites.If I get to
download your Garden pattern will do the blocks.Nice.

April 4th 2004
Eileen Magill
Gunningbland, NSW Australia
such a pretty happy site....have bookmarked it for future
reference....thank you

April 4th 2004
Carol Horn
Fritch, Texas, United States
I enjoyed looking at your site very much. You have beautiful work.

April 3rd 2004
Mary Lou Boyer
Grafton,Ohio USA
You have a wonderful site. I find it interesting and being new to quilting
I have learned a lot of new ideas and your blocks are great. Good luck to
you and thank you for sharing.

April 3rd 2004
Spring, TX, USA
Thank you for providing free patterns.

April 3rd 2004
Judith Copson
Nashua New Hampshire USA
Love pp and can't wait to actually start to make something.
I have taken a class and found it to be so easy and acurate.
But first I am finishing some UFO's and then I will start to pp.
Thanks for the free pp pattern.
Judith in Nashua NH

April 3rd 2004
Washington state, USA
Your website is lovely and I especially like anything to do with nature.
the "Rose" pattern is great and I can't wait to see what else is coming
up. thanks! Linda

April 3rd 2004
MaryLou Jones
An island in the middle of Lake St. Clair---Michigan (Harsens Island)
Thank You for all of your patterns. They are great, and paper piecing is
my favoriate thing to do. Keep up the good work. When the flowers are done
I will send you picture.
God Bless

April 2nd 2004
Maggie Mullett
Syracuse, New York

April 2nd 2004
Linda J
Alabama, USA
I thought that your Winter Snowy Houses were wonderful though I have not
tried to piece any of them yet. I am sure that your Garden Block of the
Month will be equally stunning having just downloaded the rose pattern. I
am an EQ5 user so am "good to go" Please keep up the great work you do,

April 2nd 2004
Hello, Claudia, I have been waiting with great anticipation to see your
first block of your garden series. The rose is very beautiful and I
decided that for the first time I am going to go along with your time
table to finish the blocks each month so eager am I to see how the quilt
will come alive. Thank you for the lovely design. Can't wait till next

April 2nd 2004
Marj Yip
Sydney Australia
Absolutely love your site and your patterns

April 1st 2004
Rebecca Whitteker
Ojai, California
i truly enjoy this site.. altho i have yet to actually sew one of these
thank you for your beautiful patterns and website.

April 1st 2004
Yor Garden is starting out great. This rose is just beautifull.

March 30th 2004
I live near the Atlantic Ocean ,so I really enjoyed your seaside quilt. I
will be back often. Thanks

March 29th 2004
Linda Smith
I live in Spokane, Washington . We are in the Pacific Northwest of USA
Your site is charming. Thanks for sharing your lovely quilts and patterns.
I will enjoy seeing how your Dear Jane continues...I have only done 5
blocks so enjoyed seeing yours.

March 28th 2004
Rose Cullen
around Los Angeles, CAlifornia USA
I really enjoyed looking through your site. I got here through a link on
one of my quilting groups. Your work is really very nice. I will be back
to visit again. Thank you for sharing with us. I loved seeing about your
home and your family.

March 27th 2004
Eugene, Oregon USA
Thank you for the lovely patterns for the Snowy Houses. I just found you
but look forward to returning again. Thank you so much.

March 25th 2004
claudia brillemans
liebe claudia,
ich habe vor ein paar wochen mit deinem wunderschönen "mein freund, der
baum" -quilt angefangen, hab jetzt die 12 bäumchen fertig und bin ganz hin
und weg! ich hoffe, dass ich in einigen wochen ganz fertig bin und dann
werd ich auch ein bild schicken. ich bin jedenfalls ganz begeistert, auch
von deinen prima vorlagen und anleitungen.
und dann bin ich beim stöbern auf deine dear jane-blöckchen gestossen,
toll sehen sie aus! viel erfolg weiterhin damit.
viele grüsse aus dem süden berlins von

March 24th 2004
Betty McGrath
Jackson, MS
This is a most interesting site. I have enjoyed looking through it and
will bookmark it for future browsing when I
need to purchase a pattern

March 22nd 2004
I think your site is very nice and useful too all quilters , thanks for
sharing it with everyone , Have a great day

March 22nd 2004
Christine Maron
Deutschland, Berlin
Liebe Claudia,
ich schaue ja immer wieder gern bei deiner wundervollen Seite vorbei-
diesmal aber speziell wegen deinem Dear Jane- Quiltprojekt.
Ich möchte dir mal sagen, wie schön ich deine Arbeit daran finde :)
Die interessante Muster- und Farbwahl ist einfach klasse.
Es wird langsam Zeit, das ich mich auch mal an einen eigenen DJ-Quilt
heranwage :)
Liebe Grüße aus Berlin

March 17th 2004
Susan Reed
Missouri USA
I have just found your site, so have not seen much. I do love your crazy
quilt tree. Susan

March 17th 2004
Susan Reed
Missouri USA
I have just found your site, so have not seen much. I do love your crazy
quilt tree. Susan

March 17th 2004
Linda Clark
Rapid River, Michigan That is in the upper peninsula of Michigan, U SA
Love your site come here often

March 14th 2004
I think your pages are very nice. I like to surf the net as I am so far
away from any quilt happenings. I like the music, too. Best wishes.

March 14th 2004
New York
You have a lovely website and the Quilts are very beautiful.

March 13th 2004
Brigitte Bernreuther
91161 Hilpoltstein, Löffelhof 4
Ich bin sehr begeistert von Ihren Arbeiten und Ihrer Web-Seite. Werde
öfter einmal vorbeisehen. Ich habe das EQ 5 Programm. Kann ich da die EQ 4
Dateien auch herunterladen.
Tausend Wochenendgrüße Ihre Brigitte Bernreuther

March 10th 2004
Natascha Wegner
Beim Stöbern im Internet bin ich auf deine Seite gestoßen.
Ich bin begeistert.Sehr schöne Arbeiten und du hast einen guten Geschmack
für Farben.Deine Seite steht schon in meinen Favoriten.

March 9th 2004
Sherry Schmidt
Spokane, Washington USA
I like your site so far, just was surfing for paper piecing information.

March 8th 2004
Shiela Peterson
Springfield, Virginia USA
Your paterns are very beautiful and well made. Very original and very
professionally put together. Thanks for taking the time to do this. I know
I will enjoy making these! I am going to start with the fairy tale castle!

March 8th 2004
Deanna Kaiser
Your site is really great and you are so generous with your patterns. So
glad I found it before you removed the patterns for new ones. Will check
back often to see what you are doing

March 7th 2004
Janet Mitchell
Wonderful site. Janet

March 7th 2004
Marge Donegan
Burlington, Wisconsin, USA
I have enjoyed all of your monthly patterns and look forward
eagerly to the next series. Thank you!

March 7th 2004
Mary Markowski
Sykesville, MD USA
Love your website.

March 7th 2004
Cindy Smith
Apopka, Florida, USA
I heard about your site through a friend. Thank you for the free

March 6th 2004
Atikokan, On, Canada
Love your site.The quilts are beautiful

March 6th 2004
The Netherlands
Very nice site. Thank you very much for the patterns. Looking forward to
the next BOM. Groetjes, Corien.

March 5th 2004
sandy provoznik
escanaba, michigan usa
i love your web site and of course the quilts and the blocks you make.

March 5th 2004
Dearborn Hts, Michigan USA
I really enjoy your site. It's one of the best. Thank you for sharing

March 4th 2004
cindy fellabaum
albany,oregon usa
wow you have a wonderful web site. thank you for letting others see and
visit you. love your pictures and you son's are darling. woops i should
say handsome. thanks again for your great web site would love to see more
pictures. happy quilting, cindy fellabaum

March 4th 2004
Excie Wall
I was in browsing arounf for free quilt patterns and stumbled upon your
site. You have a wonderful site and I am really interested in "Block of
the Month" patterns. Keep up the good work.

March 3rd 2004
usa north carolina

March 1st 2004
mary platt
state line, mississippi
very nice site
thanks I like the bom

February 29th 2004
Oregon, USA (rainy northwest!)
Thank you so much for the free patterns and for the inspiration of your
quilts! They are lovely.
February 29th 2004
mien van nuland
Liebe Claudia.ein wunderschöne site.liebe grüße aus Holland

February 29th 2004
Claudia, thank you so much for your patterns. They are beautiful and
different. All I need now is more time so I can make them.
Thank you again:)

February 29th 2004
Irene Francis
Hello Claudia,
There is nothing wrong with you English.
Ich habe jetzt drei Tueren fertig und hoffe die vierte bald zu
vollstaendigen? Ich glaube mit meinem Deutsch holpert es eben ein
bisschen. Na ja, man kann eben nicht immer perfect sein.
Ich habe viel Spass mit den Tueren und werde eine Aufnahme
schicken wenn alles fertig ist.Leider habe ich einen sehr
kranken Mann im moment, so bin ich eben sehr beschaeftigt.
Viele liebe Gruesse Irene.

February 26th 2004
I am just starting quilting, I am lucky my daughter works in a fabric
store and is able to get lots of end pieces, I have too much to choose
from,for my first project i want to make a purse bag, just a shoulder kind
of bag. Do you have any suggestion. I am making all my clothes but never
try quilting yet. Thank you, Lise

February 21st 2004
Sarah Caldwell
Auckland, New Zealand
Lovely website; thank you so much for sharing your ideas and personal

February 20th 2004
lida langedijk
love your site,keep up the good work!

February 17th 2004
sandy provoznik
escanaba, michigan usa

February 16th 2004
elizabeth rosendo
Congratulations I visited your page and your pieces are lovely

February 16th 2004
Pam Amann
Crown Point, Indiana USA
I love your Website! It looks fantastic! I am also happy to see it in
German and English.

February 12th 2004
Omaha, NE
Wunderbar! Ausgezeichnet! Danke viel mals!

February 8th 2004
Nottinghamshire England
I am very new to quilting and I like small projects like the wallhangings,
I enjoy the foundation piecing and have just completed a wall hanging I
got free from a Danish site, It was my very first project I am looking
forward to browsing your site and will talk to you again soon.

February 6th 2004
In Schleswig-Holstein
Eine supertolle Homepage! Alles sehr liebevoll gemacht. Toll sind auch die
vielen Anleitungen für Paper-piecing.

February 6th 2004
Teresa Mack
I am From Horsefly, British Columbia, Canada
Your web page is really cool....My parents are from Holland...My mom is in
Holland right now visiting her dad...maybe we can talk sometime...

February 5th 2004
Anila Kaumeier
Wulfertshausen / Augsburg
Liebe Claudia,
Deine Seite liebe ich heiß und innig. Sie ist immer so liebevoll gestaltet
und dabei absolut geschmackvoll. Deine Farbzusammenstellungen sind sehr
sensibel den Mustern angepasst. So ist dein Februar Boom eine wahre
Augenweide. Ich wünsche dir weiterhin solch gute Ideen und die Kraft sie
Gruß Anila

February 5th 2004
Rose Anne
Winnipeg, Manitoba, CANADA
I LOVE your website and it's very well planned setup. It is so easy to
navigate throughout!
NOW, I must say you have a definite hit with me with the Wintery Scenes,
Snowy Houses or whatever you want to call it! It is just beautiful and I'm
not a paper piecing person but can see myself doing this one maybe with my
niece to assist me in keeping things straight! Standing joke with my
attempts! Now, a question, is there a picture of this layout or is that a
surprise for when we finish?
You do some very awesome work! Thank you for sharing.

February 4th 2004
in der Nähe von Stuttgart
Eine super Homepage. Da möchte man sich doch sofort an die Nähmaschine
setzen u.loslegen.Super, daß auch Anleitungen dabei sind (ist ja nicht so
oft der Fall).Danke dafür.Werde noch öfters hier schmökern.

February 3rd 2004
I live in Italy but I am finnish.
My compliments for the beautiful pages and sympatic quilts, which make me
want to run away from my job and go home sewing. Like you have understood
I'm not very busy at work at the moment...so I can "study" your quilts.

February 2nd 2004
Bear River City, Utah, USA
Wonderful site, I love your patterns, they are really inspirational.

January 31st 2004
Inga-Lill Ray
I had a look at your quilts and they are quite charming with a lot of
personality. Also your blocks of the month have always been nice although
I have not used them yet. Mostly I make my own designs.
Best regards from a Finland that is just now "blowing away in a really
hard snowstorm.
Inga-Lill Ray

January 31st 2004
Christina Jahn
I have seen your website and I love it. I am a beginner in quilting and
would love to get all the help I can. I want to start with a quilt that
will be simple for me to do and will not take to long to do. Please help
and keep my up to date with your site.

January 31st 2004
Helena Kurt
Wien, Österreich
Eine wunderschöne Site. Habe Dein Van-Gogh-Bild auch in den Patchworkideen
von Januar gesehen, hier im Net gefällt es mir aber besser. Gratulation
und danke für deine Arbeiten.

January 28th 2004
Hallo Claudia!
Ich bin total begeistert! Erstens von Deinen wunderwunderschönen
Patchworkarbeiten und Quilts und zweitens von der supersüßen Homepage.
Hast Du interesse an einem Bannertausch?
Liebe Grüße,

January 28th 2004
Mrs. Katharine Anne Fleming
Chilliwack, BC Canada (Ryder Lake)
This is simply the most lovely site I've ever been to. Congratulations on
a job very well done. I also love to quilt, was born October 10, 1955,
have four grown children and four children-in-law, three grandchildren,
very happily married and I also make and teach Victorian Lampshade making,
do stained glass, and petit point. My heart belongs to quilting though.

January 27th 2004
Sue Gardem
Brisbane, Queensland ~ Australia
Your web page is absolutely beautiful and cheerful. I have loved browsing
through it. The music is just perfect and I loved the leaves and flowers
floating on the page. I will visit again because your projects give me
inspiration. Thanks

January 26th 2004
Robbi Bonnema
Hollandale, Minnesota
Enjoying your website. Thanks.

January 26th 2004
Atlanta, Georgia USA
Great website, you are an inspiration to me to perfect my applique
technique. The quilts are gorgeous.

January 24th 2004
Patsy Shelton
Ogden, Utah USA
Thank you for having such a wonderful website! I just loved your darling
quilts. You are so generous to share. I do a lot of piecing & also have a
machine quilting business (PA Quilters).. (I don't get much time to do my
own quilts.) I belong to several quilt guilds. Thank you again.. I'll drop
back often.. you can see some of my quilts at....

January 24th 2004

January 20th 2004
Einfach Klasse. Danke für Deine Freien Anleitungen. Ich arbeite gerne
damit. Und die Ergebnisse sind super.
Schaue immer wieder rein. Sehr zu empfehlen.

January 19th 2004
Eine wunderschöne Homepage! Wo lernt man so etwas zu gestalten?
Dies ist eine Einladung an alle,
die gerne quilten UND schreiben!
Wer macht mit?
Erinnerungsstücke - "to be remembered"
Ein Quilt als textiles Gedächtnis
Wer möchte seine Geschichte erzählen?
Mehr Informationen unter:

January 19th 2004
Nebraska, USA
I love your blocks. Especially the Fall ones.

January 18th 2004
Helena Kurt
Wien, Österreich
Liebe Claudia! Eine wunderschöne Site, ich bin nur so dahingeschmolzen!!
Wirklich ein Traum! Deine Arbeiten sind mir aber noch zu kompliziert,
obwohl sie wunderschön sind. Ich bin ja erst eine beginnende
Patchworkerin, habe deine Site von QuiltLuvFabric, eine Swap-Site aus USA.
Ich habe diese Swap-Adresse aus dem Heft "Sampler Quilts". Liebe Grüsse
und verspätet noch ein erfolgreiches neues Jahr. Helena

January 17th 2004
Nova Scotia, Canada
What a lovely website. I love your quilts and patterns. I didn't think
Europeans celebrated Halloween. Keep on quilting!

January 16th 2004
Judy Hillman
Salem, Oregon, USA
Your paper pieced patterns are absolutely lovely. I look forward to
stitching them out. Thank you for sharing your talents and ideas.

January 13th 2004
Grossziethen bei Berlin
hallo claudia,
ich bin auf meiner ständigen suche im netz nach schönen quilts auf deiner
website gelandet und bin begeistert! du machst wirklich tolle sachen und
deine website ist auch eine augenweide! hab dich direkt zu meine favoriten
genommen und komme bestimmt mal öfters bei dir vorbei.
weiterhin viel erfolg bei deinen projekten und viele grüsse vom rande der

January 11th 2004
northern New York State, USA
I LOVE your patterns! Thanks so much for the freebies to try out!

January 11th 2004
Louise Burling
Collingwood Ontario Canada
i was taught how to quilt by my mom and now i have taken over all her
patterns and notions as she has passed away 2 years ago....i would really
like to see what you have in any patterns that i could print out thank

January 8th 2004
linda tipton
thanks for your web site

January 6th 2004
the Netherlands
I enjoyed my visit to your homepage, very lovely quilts and nice patterns.
Take care, Letty

January 6th 2004
Joyce A. Timmerman
Independence, Missouri
I love your website, it has some great ideas.

January 4th 2004
I adored to visit your "Haus".Einfache!!.Ich wohnen in Brazilien .My
daugther help me to write this german words.She has 11 y old and study
German in her school.
We are enjoying seeing your quilts.So very very nice.
Danke,Claudia und Auf wierdersehen

January 4th 2004
Sue Wegert
Warsaw, Indiana, USA
I just learned of your site through Block Central. I love your Snowy
Houses. I just got EQ5 and like seeing things drawn that way.
My father came from Flemish Belgium and I studied German over 30 years
ago. I doubt that I could do nearly as well with it as you do with your
Thanks for the great pattern designs.

January 4th 2004
I adored to visit your "Haus".Einfache!!.Ich wohnen in Brazilien .My
daugther help me to write this german words.She has 11 y old and study
German in her school.
We are enjoying seeing your quilts.So very very nice.
Danke,Barbara und Auf wierdersehen

January 4th 2004
Sabine Siering
59174 Kamen/Westfalen
Deine Seite ist ein Augen- und Ohrenschmaus!!
Ich schaue immer wieder gerne rein.
Ein gutes neues Jahr wünsche ich Dir noch.

January 1st 2004
Nancy Sunderland Pa.
I think you have a very nice site. i enjoy it very much. Have a good new
year |